About US

Agri Pinoy Community Radio
Station Policy

AgriPinoy Community Radio Station was established by the Department of Agriculture to disseminate authentic, credible, and usable information to farmers, fisherfolk; to provide them with effective extension, education and communication services which are the key strategies for sustaining agricultural growth, strengthening food security and combating hunger and maltrunition.


AgriPinoy Community Radio Station is managed and operated by ploughshares, Incorporated in partnership with the Department of Agriculture.

1.      The radio station’s day-to-day activities shall be run by regular station personnel composed of
a.     Station-officer-in charge
b.     Program Director
c.     Announcer/s/ writer/s and
d.     Technician
2.       All staff members shall work together to reach the goals of the radio station.
3.      All staff members shall comply with the rules and regulations of the National Telecommunications Commission.


Station Officer-In-Charge
1.      Ensure that the policies set by the radio station are being observes and followed;
2.      Implement the approved plan of the station
3.      Ensure continuous and orderly conduct of the daily programs of the radio station;
4.      Assign specific duties and responsibilities to the other radio station staff;
5.      Coordinate with ploughshares Inc. on the program schedules and,
6.      Maintain linkages with the Department of Agriculture.


He shall adhere to the editorial policy of the station and broadcasting ethics and be well-informed of updates on local and national issues.

The writers shall prepare news and features from materials provided by the Department of Agriculture and from other reliable sources.

The technician shall be licensed by the National Telecommunications Commission.

The technician must check the equipment before and after his duty and maintain the broadcast equipment.

The technician shall also duly accomplish the transmitter logbook. The technician shall take care of the program sign-on and sign-off.


1.      AgriPinoy programming shall be 60% agricultural and developmental information and the rest is for music.
2.      AgriPinoy programs shall be any one of various formats, such as talk radio, magazine, music, news and current affairs, or drama.
3.      Per National Telecommunications Commission rules, all programs shall be recorded and preserved for thirty (30) days.
4.      Community members must be made aware of the editorial policy before they are allowed to go on air.
5.      Programming shall include programs that shall be provided by the Department of Agriculture.


1.      Proper behavior is a must. The conduct of the radio station management, broadcast personalities, and technical personnel on or off the air, in or out of the radio station reflects not only their own person but also the integrity of the AgriPinoy Radio station and by extension, of the Department of Agriculture.
2.      Station personnel shall not bring personal guests or relatives to the station who have not been advised about proper decorum with respect to order, silence, and non-tampering of equipment, as well as maintaining a clean environment.
3.      Guests shall not in any way distract the broadcasters or interfere in the radio station operations.
4.      Immoral and or illegal activities shall not be allowed.
5.      All radio station personnel should wear appropriate clothing when reporting for duty at the station. All staff must log in/log out in the attendance logbook.

1.      Everyone should feel safe and secure in the Radio Station.
2.      All staff/personnel shall carry/display radio station ID.
3.      Guests shall sign the Guest’s logbook.
4.      Firearms and other weapons shall be prohibited within radio station premises irrespective of whether the person is a member of the Police or the Military.
5.      Any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall not be allowed within the radio station premises.

1.      On-air personnel shall come to the studio at least thirty (30) minutes before his/her broadcast schedule. Other shall come to the radio station on or before their official time.
2.      In case of an expected late arrival or absence, the AgriPinoy personnel should inform the station or Station Officer-In-Charge beforehand.
3.      In emergency situations, the immediately foregoing rules may not apply.


1.      Only trained, quality, and authorized personnel shall operate studio equipment.
2.      No piece or any part of the equipment shall be removed from the premises without authorization from the station Officer-In-Charge or duly designated person
3.      Malfunctions or equipment breakdown shall be reported immediately to Ploughshares Inc., including pertinent notations on date, time, and cause.


1.      Only persons officially designated by Ploughshares, Inc. may make representations for or solicit donations, contributions, grants, advertisements for either the radio station or individual program.
2.      All contributions, donations, funds, grants, earnings and income of the station shall go to a cashier/ treasurer who shall keep account of all funds for safekeeping, disbursement and auditing.
3.      Transparency, accountability and integrity shall be upheld at all times.
4.      The station shall not receive funds from illegal sources/activities.
5.      No funds shall be solicited from politicians, political parties and from other vested interests that may make the station beholden to such interests.
6.      Should a question arise, a donation may be accepted only after careful deliberation and it determined that there are no strings attached to the contribution or donation which can compromise the integrity of the station.
7.      All records related to AgriPinoy operations and activities shall be systematically arranged and files for easy retrieval.


1.      All broadcast materials produced collected such as plugs, recorded interviews, tape-on-air are rightfully owned by the station.
2.      Record related to AgriPinoy operations and activities shall be systematically arranged by month and filed for easy retrieval and for documentation purposes.
3.      The license of the AgriPinoy is owned by the Department of Agriculture. Any changes in the license that the station personnel may deem necessary shall be  requested from the Deparment of Agriculture, through Ploughshares Inc.

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